Love The Luminaries Magazine for its independent journalism and storytelling on cultural icons and features and reviews on film, drama, music, books, fashion and real food?
Then we have a fantastic competition for loyal readers and supporters to enter this month. Potyque, producers of certified, biodynamic, sustainably farmed CBD oils and their new calming CBD cream have kindly donated a titration pack of three CBD oils worth £200 for one lucky reader to win. The winner will be announced via social media at the end of January 2022.
After years in the natural health equivalent of Siberia, CBD from hemp minus the THC has proven, science-backed benefits for brain health, anxiety, pain relief and seizures.
As the editor of this magazine, I researched organic CBD for my mother after her dementia diagnosis in 2017. You can read the WHO report on Alzheimer's and CBD here and my article on dementia and my mother here. Dementia, Mum, CBD and Me.

To enter, this please carry out the following competition challenge -
How to Enter - Our You Are Social Champion?
Help share our independent, quality, inspiring magazine journalism and win our biodynamic CBD kit from Potyque, makers of quality, certified CBD.
Firstly, please subscribe to The Luminaries Magazine newsletter for our 100% journalism feed to receive new interviews, features, reviews and news via email. Be the first to read our beautifully crafted pieces of authentic, long-form magazine journalism and broadcast interviews and hear about live events, competitions and offers ahead of the rest of the world.
Luminaries Subscriber Link You can either choose to support our independent journalism with a monthly or yearly voluntary payment or you can subscribe free. Please note our model is the same as The Guardian. We intend to remain an open source for our magazine, with a new VIP area coming soon for subscribers, where we will publish exclusive opportunities, perks and events. We are powered by readers subscriptions and small, artisan, organic and circular businesses. We are not funded by Google advertising which rewards fake news and clickbait media, not quality journalism.
Secondly, please follow the magazine and Potyque on our social addresses.
The competition is open to existing and new subscribers in the UK. If you are already a subscriber, you can take part by following the magazine on our social channels and by sharing your favourite features.
The winner will be picked at random from everyone who enters the competition and completes the steps! Good luck.
Closing Date - January 30th Jan 2022. The editor's decision is final. There is no cash alternative. The competition is open to all readers with a UK postal address. Coming soon! Virtual competitions for our readers in Europe, the US, Canada and the rest of the world.
Potyque is a small, artisan British business. The Biodynamically grown CBD is fully traceable to ensure quality, safety, sustainability and potency.
For More Information on Potyque visit the website.