Hemp Revolution: Ocado Launches Love Hemp, Cannabis infused spring water.

Hemp water, infused with cannabis oil, is probably one of the most innovative food and drink launches of the year, so far. As the plant-based, food as medicine revolution gathers pace, Ocado became the first British supermarket to launch Love Hemp today – a functional, spring water infused with cannabis oil. A spokesperson for Ocado declared “this is one of the most interesting new products we have seen.”
Tony Calamita, the co-founder of Love Hemp Water, said: “There’s a growing understand of the wide ranging benefits of cannabis oil to health and wellbeing, which is why we launched the first every day hemp water product.”
Hemp Water is Naturally Hydrating
He added, “ Each 500ml bottle of Love Hemp is sugar free and contains 2mg of natural hemp extract. It tastes great and it is natural hydrating. We are proud to be starting a hemp water revolution.”
Who Report into the Benefits of Cannabis Oil
The Love Hemp launch is timely. It comes shortly after The World Health Organisation, WHO report, released its latest scientific studies showing the proven health benefits of low level, Cannabis Sativa Hemp usage for: Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s, MS, pain, anxiety, depression and complications arising from diabetes. The full WHO report can be read here.
Sales of cannabidiol have doubled in twelve months in the UK. The Cannabis Trade Association has reported that usage is up from 125,000 to 250,000.
Editor’s Comment –
It is exciting to see hemp oil being used in such an innovative, functional product. We hope Love Hemp Water are looking into alternatives to single use plastic bottles. How about taking the lead and using good old glass bottles?
Love Hemp Water is available in 500ml and 1.5 litre bottles as both singles and multipacks from Ocado. A 500ml bottle costs £1.29 and the1.5 litre multipack is £11.99.
For More Info – Love Hemp Water