
Total 3 Posts

Edinburgh Fringe: David Shopland, Orson Welles and a Love Letter to Black and White Cinema

Actor David Shopland in conversation with arts and entertainment journalist Alison Jane Reid to discuss his idol Orson Welles and his solo show at the Edinburgh Fringe, Raising Kane.

Orson Welles Lives Again at The Edinburgh Fringe as David Shopland Raises Citizen Kane

Arts and Entertainment Journalist Alison Jane Reid from The Luminaries Magazine talks about Orson Welles and hero worship with actor David Shopland, as he takes his solo play Raising Kane to the Edinburgh Fringe.

Henry the 1st - The Hot History Play in Reading Abbey Ruins and the Inspiration for Game of Thrones

Henry the 1st is the forgotten English King, the inspiration for Game of Thrones and a thrilling new history play on now at Reading Abbey Ruins performed by The Rabble Theatre writes Alison Jane Reid
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