Regenerative Agriculture

Total 2 Posts

Chatter: We Want the Kitty Foyle Look in Organic Cotton; Silken Bresaola from Rare and Pasture and Pink Organic Champagne!

It's a Swell Organic, Luminary Life with Our Magazine column Chatter, devoted to the good life from Joanna Lumley flaunting organic fashion to delicious, pasture-raised organic meat and charcuterie, washed down with pink champagne!

The Luminaries Review - Into the Weeds, Dwayne Johnson V Monsanto

Into the Weeds is a visceral and compelling documentary film about Wayne Johnson V Monsanto directed by Jennifer Baichwal. Johnson developed Non-Hodginson's Lymphoma from using the Weedkiller Roundup at work. This is not just a Dwayne Lee Johnson Story. Read on.
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