Timothee Chalamet - Geek Prince in a Silver Metallic Jacket at The Festival de Cannes!

Timothee Chalamet and Selina Gomez in A Rainy Day in New York

Timothee Chalamet - apart from the fact that you are a blazing talent, we love your unruly hair, geeky, retro charm, and how you can switch from playing a young English king with such believable valour and zeal in The King  - to Saiorse Ronan's swoon-worthy childhood friend, Laurie, in Little Women - to a poker-playing college student who somehow manages to make slacks and granddad sweaters look ridiculously cool and attractive in Woody Allen's A Rainy Day in  New York. A film that marks a brilliant return to form for Woody Allen in a waspy rom-com of manners, mores and social-climbing where Chalamet's youthful passion is usurped by the dangerous allure and sex appeal of the rich and powerful older man.

Timothee Chalamet as Henry V in The King

At the least Timothee, you also have all the best lines! " Those crazy Egyptians. They put all their money on an afterlife." Woody  Allen.

As if that wasn't enough, you have perfected playing the naked, student revolutionary in Wes Anderson's new film The French Dispatch, a movie that captures the madness, fun and mania of news gathering!  

When Timothee isn't busy making it interesting and fresh to wear a Marc Jacobs silver metallic suit at The Cannes Film Festival, he makes it okay to be the nerdy, bookish, uncool is cool type who gets the right girl, after a few mishaps and adventures and pertinent life lessons. This never more so than in A Rainy Day in New York Like, where we are asked to suspend disbelief and watch Chalamet as Gatsby, lose the wrong girlfriend (Elle Fanning) to a rich playboy actor and run into a better one who actually bothers to read books! (Selina Gomez).  

Selina Gomez and Timothy Chalamet in A Rainy Day in New York

Chalamat is so good at all this that he also pulls off the most convincing portrait of Allen himself in the film that is a bittersweet love letter to New York come rain or shine, to romance and to all Allen's early films, especially Annie Hall with Diane Keaton. Oh, and dare we say, he is miles better looking!

Watch A Rainy Day in New York