Justine Tabak Forever Made in Britain Summer Dresses

Fashion News Flash: Justine Tabak is a forever Made in Britain, slow fashion designer to treasure and adopt with a talent for updating the great style eras of the past to make the collectable vintage fashion of the future. Don’t miss the launch of her spring/summer sustainably sourced collection open from 11-2 in Islington on Sunday 14th April at Wallace Sewell.

Don’t Miss Justine Tabak’s Spring Summer 2019 Launch at Wallace Sewell

A graduate of the Royal College of Art, with fashion in her veins, (her grandfather was a tailor in London’s East End); Justine Tabak designs heart-stoppingly pretty, made in Britain, forever dresses and separates for the woman who wants to feel like the heroine in her own story.

Justine Tabak Made in Britain, London Fields Dress, Fashioned from the Finest Deadstock Fabric

And what a heroine. Imagine a sigh making, flower power, festival maxi dress transformed in a tumbling, verdant rose briar, fashioned from high quality fabric deadstock. Or the high summer gingham dress reinvented into a girlish, Anne of Green Gable’s masterpiece, all decadent bows, and look at me frills, perfect for wafting around in on high summer days.

Sustainable Linen in Paintbox Hues

And with linen the sustainable choice for the conscious fashion lover, you will delight in Justine Tabak’s dreamy, tiered petticoat dresses in paintbox hues of fire red, sunflower yellow or navy blue sustainable linen.

What We Love about Justine Tabak

In a world where fast fashion is still being ruthlessly encouraged, we love that Justine Tabak designs timeless, beautiful, slow fashion lovingly made to last and outlive any passing fashion trends or fads. Justine upcycles fashion deadstock which would have been burnt in the past. This means she using waste fabric rather than new fabric.

Eco Chic, Elegant Linen

She also works with linen, from flax, one of nature’s great gifts to fashion. Flax crops nourish the soil, and it thrives purely on rainwater, not irrigation. Linen has a lustrous, elegant handle, it’s a very durable fabric and flax has a low environmental footprint, as the only water used to grow the crop is rainwater.

To learn more about Justine Tabak and her slow fashion collections, visit her website – Justine Tabak Fashion