Coco Chanel's Secrets, The Chocolate Detective & the Art of Fashion Reinvention

In the latest edition of the EH Culture Show, Arts and Culture Journalist Alison Jane Reid explores themes of fashion and chocolate revolution.

Coco Gabrielle Chanel is viewed as one of the most influential people of the 20th century for the way in which she liberated women from the corset and for masterminding the first global fashion empire. Yet her legacy has been tarnished by her collaboration with the Nazi High Command and selling her perfume to German officers during the French occupation.

AJ discusses Chanel's legacy and her secrets with Caroline Young,  author of a new book,  Living with Chanel; Chantal Coady OBE  talks about the importance of provenance and ingredients in sailboat, slow organic chocolate in support of the Granada chocolate farmers and AJ discusses how to reinvent luxury fashion with the art of glamcycling with magpie circular couturier Alexa at Design Blender Atelier.

These are the exciting topics journalist Alison Jane Reid examines in depth to celebrate the art of the conversation. Listen or watch now and sign up to the magazine to be invited to the next show which will feature Alison Jane in conversation with celebrated foreign correspondent John Simpson on March 4th 2021.