Amazonia Imagined and Salvador Dali

Brazilian artist Kim Poor talks to journalist Alison Jane Reid about the day she met Salvador Dali.  Kim Poor’s exhibition Amazonia Imagined – the story of the vanishing world of the Amazon and its tribes, is currently showing at Sala Brazil at the Brazilian Embassy, London, until the end of January 2018.


Kim Poor is a leading artist, celebrated by Salvador Dali for creating a new, dream-like, ethereal style of painting on glass, which he called Diaphanism. Kim Poor’s exhibition of the Amazonian Indians – Amazonia Imagined –  is currently on at Sala Brazil, at the Brazilian Embassy, Cockspur St, London until  the end of January 2018.  There is a beautiful book to accompany the exhibition by Kim Poor and art critic, Edward Lucie Smith.

More highlights to follow. Look out for the full, fascinating broadcast interview filmed by Troy Aidoo, which will air early in the new year.

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